S under krown maker's mark silver medallion
Zeitlose Eleganz! Tauche ein in die Welt des Silberschmucks und entdecke die Vielfalt an Formen, Stilen und Epochen. Ob antike Ketten, funkelnde Ringe, edle Armreifen oder kunstvolle Ohrringe – hier kannst du deine Leidenschaft mit anderen teilen, dein Wissen erweitern und neue Schätze entdecken!
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- Thelxinoe Offline
- aktives Mitglied
- Beiträge: 25
- Registriert: Freitag 20. Januar 2023, 05:06
- Reputation: 11
S under krown maker's mark silver medallion
Dear Members,
I would like to kindly ask you for identification.
I think this is German, has been bought in Germany.
The maker's mark is S under krown.
Silver 835, medallion.
Lenght 44mm with hanger, weight 8,80gr.
Best regards,
I would like to kindly ask you for identification.
I think this is German, has been bought in Germany.
The maker's mark is S under krown.
Silver 835, medallion.
Lenght 44mm with hanger, weight 8,80gr.
Best regards,
- Thelxinoe Offline
- aktives Mitglied
- Beiträge: 25
- Registriert: Freitag 20. Januar 2023, 05:06
- Reputation: 11
S under krown maker's mark silver medallion
Anyone? :*
- Heinrich Butschal Offline
- Experte für Schmuck und Edelsteine
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S under krown maker's mark silver medallion
Es scheint, dass niemand den Hersteller kennt. Am Wert würde es auch nichts ändern, wenn man ihn kennen würde.
Heinrich Butschal
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Heinrich Butschal
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- Pontikaki Verified Offline
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S under krown maker's mark silver medallion
Moin, wie Heinrich bereits sagte, scheint es sich um ein Produkt der vielen deutschen
Schmuckhersteller ohne Bekanntheitsgrad zu handeln. Beim Herstellungszeitraum nehme
ich die letzten 50 Jahre an. Das Medaillon wurde maschinell hergestellt und hat keinen
künstlerisch/historischen Wert.
Gehandelt werden vergleichbare Stücke zwischen 50,- und 100,- €.
Beachte, daß der Sprengrahmen, der das Glas hält, nicht aus Silber besteht.(Stempel Metall)
Hello, as Heinrich already said, it seems to be a product of one of the numerous German jewelry
manufacturers without any level of fame. I assume the production period was within the last 50 years.
The medallion was machine-made and has no artistic/historical value.
Comparable pieces are traded between 50,- € and 100.- €
Note that the snap frame, that holds the glass, is not made of silver. (Metal stamp)
Schmuckhersteller ohne Bekanntheitsgrad zu handeln. Beim Herstellungszeitraum nehme
ich die letzten 50 Jahre an. Das Medaillon wurde maschinell hergestellt und hat keinen
künstlerisch/historischen Wert.
Gehandelt werden vergleichbare Stücke zwischen 50,- und 100,- €.
Beachte, daß der Sprengrahmen, der das Glas hält, nicht aus Silber besteht.(Stempel Metall)
Hello, as Heinrich already said, it seems to be a product of one of the numerous German jewelry
manufacturers without any level of fame. I assume the production period was within the last 50 years.
The medallion was machine-made and has no artistic/historical value.
Comparable pieces are traded between 50,- € and 100.- €
Note that the snap frame, that holds the glass, is not made of silver. (Metal stamp)
Marion Ongyert - Goldschmiedin
Warnhinweis: Der Beitrag kann Spuren von Kopfnüssen, Ironie, Schwachsinn und Grammattick-Defiziten enthalten !
Marion Ongyert - Goldschmiedin
Warnhinweis: Der Beitrag kann Spuren von Kopfnüssen, Ironie, Schwachsinn und Grammattick-Defiziten enthalten !
- marker Offline
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S under krown maker's mark silver medallion
Hi, just offering this as a possibility - have been told that this might be one of the marks used by manufacturer / retailer Curt Seitter from Pforzheim, 1970ies. If this was just retailed by him it will hardly be possible to identify the real maker. As mentioned before: just a possibility. Cheers marker - Nur als Idee: könnte eine der Marken des Herstellers/Großhändlers Seitter Pforzheim, 1970er Jahre, sein. M.
- Thelxinoe Offline
- aktives Mitglied
- Beiträge: 25
- Registriert: Freitag 20. Januar 2023, 05:06
- Reputation: 11
S under krown maker's mark silver medallion
Dear @Heinrich Butschal, @Pontatiki and @Mitglied,
I am very grateful for your opinions and information
I know approximitely the value and I don't bother for price setting. What I care is the name of the maker, if possible, cause I love German jewelry
I have a quite lot pieces from Germany and there is a great pleasure for me, if I am able to know the name of the maker / company, even if the maker is not famous or well known
I will follow Curt Seitter lead to get more information, thank you
Thanks a lot for your efforts and replies :*
By the way I think this is very pretty medalion and I like it a lot I just can not make a good pictures >:)
I am very grateful for your opinions and information
I know approximitely the value and I don't bother for price setting. What I care is the name of the maker, if possible, cause I love German jewelry
I have a quite lot pieces from Germany and there is a great pleasure for me, if I am able to know the name of the maker / company, even if the maker is not famous or well known
I will follow Curt Seitter lead to get more information, thank you
Thanks a lot for your efforts and replies :*
By the way I think this is very pretty medalion and I like it a lot I just can not make a good pictures >:)
- Thelxinoe Offline
- aktives Mitglied
- Beiträge: 25
- Registriert: Freitag 20. Januar 2023, 05:06
- Reputation: 11
S under krown maker's mark silver medallion
Pardon me, @Mitglied not Member :blush:
Automatic dictionary corrector missed sth up and I did't notice that.
Apologize :blush:
Automatic dictionary corrector missed sth up and I did't notice that.
Apologize :blush:
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